The Jeonbuk State Council

The Jeonbuk State Council commits to becoming a council of strength for people’s pride and trustworthiness.

Public Planning and Administration Committee

    • 네이버밴드
    • 네이버블로그
    • 카카오톡
The parliament of Jeonbuk State

Public Planning and Administration Committee

Public Planning and Administration Committee in Parliament of Jeonbuk State is constituted of 8 members who oversee the instrumental roles of Administration of Jeonbuk State, budget, personnel, audit and organization.

In addition, the Standing Committee plays pivotal roles of probing future development engine like acquiring national budget and discovering large scale state political projects, and overseeing from alpha to omega in all administration of Jeonbuk State across the life, safety and human right of the inhabitants.

Realize the parliament of trustworthiness and strength

The Public Planning and Administration Committee will unfold the legislative activities through making effort to realize the parliament of trustworthiness and strength and reflect the wishes of the inhabitants to the provincial policies via 5-minute free speech, questioning provincial policies and urgent issues as well as regular works reporting and administrative affairs auditing.

In addition, we suggest political alternatives oriented to the public life to improve the quality of living and productive parliament, and make the parliament of consistent communication with the inhabitants and laboring for the greatest happiness of the society.